A Guide to Writing an Effective Thesis Statement: Different Types of Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is an important feature in essay writing. It represents a summative statement that declares in a very concise way the main argument or direction that a paper is pursuing. By reading the thesis statement in a paper, an instructor or other individuals can be able to deduce the writer’s position in relation to a specific subject matter.

A thesis statement is found at the end of the first paragraph. It opens the door to the paper’s direction and provides a starting point for how the paper will flow. A thesis statement is important because, when well written, it needs to provide a focused, specific, and clear understanding of the writer’s position.

Thesis Statement

Two Main Types of Thesis Statements

Expository Thesis Statement

This type of thesis statement is also known as an analytical thesis statement. It is characterized by an explanation of a particular concept. It is, therefore, analytical and not argumentative, which means that it does not need to provide a position but rather explains the concepts to the reader. This statement does not incorporate personal information. It also does not offer support for claims in the paper based on evidence. Instead, it informs readers about what the paper is about and how the main concepts will be discussed.


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Argumentative Thesis Statement

This thesis statement is also known as a persuasive thesis statement. As the name suggests, it aims to support a position and convince readers why they need to support it as well. In this statement, the writer takes a clear position regarding a particular topic and provides an argument in favor of this position. The evidence used in such a paper is dedicated to persuading readers.


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The difference between Open and Closed Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is a statement that opens the door to the direction of a paper. However, they can be written in different forms depending on different factors, such as the purposes intended for the paper and the context within which the paper was written.

These differences give rise to open and closed thesis statements. An open thesis statement opens the writing process by providing flexibility which is important in facilitating further exploration of the topic in question. In this form of writing a thesis statement, there is no clear direction on how the paper will go, and it provides room for a writer to deviate and shift from the primary point of view.

On the other hand, a closed statement is clear and concise and provides a specific direction for the paper. Therefore, this statement does not provide room for shifting from the main idea.

As explained above, the choice of which of the two is appropriate for a particular writing process is based on multiple factors. However, it is important to understand that an open thesis statement is preferred when writing a more complex and long project, and this is because it provides room for deviation. On the other hand, a closed thesis statement is mostly preferred when writing short projects that are clear and focused.

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

A well-constructed thesis statement can be important in developing an effective essay or research paper. The process of developing an effective thesis statement relies on careful planning and consideration of multiple factors. Some of them include the following:

  1. Developing a clear understanding of the topic and direction to take. A thesis statement needs to be specific and clear, which can only be achieved by a robust understanding of the topic.
  2. You need to also develop a strong point of view concerning a subject matter. A clear position means an essay will have a strong sense of direction.
  3. An effective thesis statement relies on your ability to support a claim with evidence. The reasoning behind a particular point of view should be able to support the perspective or position held.
  4. A thesis statement should also be straight to the point.
  5. An effective thesis statement also needs to be aligned with the paper. This means that you need to refine it after the writing process to ensure that there is no misalignment.

Common Mistakes to Look Out for When Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

One of the main problems when it comes to writing an effective thesis statement is a lack of planning. This results in common mistakes that limit the effectiveness of the writing process. However, these mistakes can be avoided.

  1. Writing a broad thesis statement rather than a specific and focused one. You should not try to address many issues.
  2. Writing a very general thesis statement which makes it vague. Instead, you should make sure that your ideas are clear and concise.
  3. Writing about something obvious rather than a summative statement that takes a clear position.
  4. Being too rigid in your writing can be a consequence of being too formulaic.
  5. Failing to use evidence to support your claims.
  6. Failing to align the thesis statement with the rest of the paper after finishing the writing process. This is caused by failing to evaluate, revise and refine the paper.


An effective thesis statement represents a standard for effective writing. Careful planning and consideration are important in ensuring that a thesis statement meets professional writing standards.

There are multiple factors to consider when writing a thesis statement, and this means that you need to study, examine and master the art of writing an effective thesis statement which is the basis of this paper.


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