A Breakdown of What is Evidence-based practice in Nursing

Evidence-based practice in nursing

Evidence-based practice in nursing explores a very important approach to nursing practices.

It is based on an emphasis on the delivery of appropriate care to patients in the most effective way possible with the goal and objective of achieving optimum health care outcomes.

Understanding Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

It is founded on several important elements that include;

  1. Use of best evidence from studies
  2. Utilization of patient care data
  3. Clinician expertise
  4. Patient values and preferences.

These factors promote a strong problem-solving approach in the delivery of health care services by nurses.

Evidence-based practice in nursing is, therefore, founded on the need to use evidence to inform nursing practice. evidence becomes the basis and main influence on nursing practice.

However, this approach is faced with major problems associated with the lagging of evidence behind the practice.

The movement towards evidence-based practice in nursing

Evidence-based movements emerged and created the need for evidence as a basis for practice. however, initially, it was predominantly focused on medicine and not health care.

The application of the evidence-based approach has been done in subsequent areas of social and health care and one of them is in nursing.

Nursing represents one of the spheres that has fully embraced evidence-based practice intending to provide high levels of quality care to patients.

The incorporation of this approach has been made possible through professional organizations as well as the incorporation of elements of evidence-based practice in nursing curricula.

Multiple reports and publications accelerated the need for evidence-based practice in nursing.

Some of the recommendations that they provided include;

  1. The need for educating healthcare professionals about evidence-based care and how to deliver it.
  2. The importance of providing healthcare services based on scientific knowledge
  3. The importance of evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare services to obtain unbiased information about what is effective and works in healthcare.

These recommendations became the foundations of evidence-based practice in nursing as an approach that nurses were expected to have competency.

What evidence-based practice in nursing entails

Evidence-based practice in nursing mostly entails the use of the best current evidence in decisions about the provision of healthcare to patients

  1. It also entails the integration of individual clinical experience and expertise
  2. This expertise has to be grounded on clinical evidence that comes from systematic research.
  3. It also entails the consideration of the patient perspective in making those decisions.

The three elements work together to form the basis of what evidence-based practice in nursing is all about.

Competences needed for evidence-based practice in nursing

  1. Knowledge management that includes
  2. Access to knowledge
  3. Appraisal of knowledge
  4. Integration of knowledge into practice
  5. A continuum in professional development.

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