What did Benjamin Franklin mean by his statement, “only virtuous people are capable of freedom. as nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters?”

What did Benjamin Franklin mean by his statement

The statement by Benjamin Franklin alludes to the idea that virtue and morality are the most important elements that guarantee the preservation of freedom in society.

It also means that authoritarian control is justified in a society if it becomes immoral and corrupt because such a society has eroded individual liberties.

A virtuous and moral society is one that has citizens with a strong commitment to the common good of all people. Such a society is based on a strong willingness to achieve the greater good for society by sacrificing personal interests.

In such a society, people can make choices and decisions that cater to the interests of the entire community rather than focusing on personal interests.

Corruption and moral decay in society are a sign of greed that leads to people only focusing on their personal interests rather than the greater good of society. People in such a society lack a sense of moral responsibility expected to protect individual liberties.

These factors result in the pursuit of common gain, usually at the expense of the common good. The consequence is usually the social problems that later on require order and stability that can only be achieved through authoritarian control.

In conclusion, it is evident that Benjamin Franklin’s statement alludes to the significance of high moral standards in a society for the preservation of democracy and freedom. It also means that corruption and moral decay pose a significant danger to society because of the risk of erosion of freedom and liberty.


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