Where to Find The Hypothesis in a Research Article

Where to Find The Hypothesis in a Research Article

The question of “Where to Find The Hypothesis in a Research Article” can only be answered by exploring how research articles represent scientific methods.


A research article represents a compilation of information by a scientist concerning an original research idea. It is characterized by a wide range of information including, the purpose of the study, the thesis statement, hypothesis, literature review, methodology, results and conclusion.

The examination of a research article is an important process, and the ability to identify crucial elements of research is paramount for the effective analysis of a research article.

Research articles are usually arranged in specific ways. A hypothesis in a research article is usually located in a specific position in an article. The ability to quickly pinpoint where the hypothesis is located is crucial in becoming an expert in exploring research articles as well as formulating them.

Where to Find The Hypothesis in a Research Article

What is a hypothesis

A hypothesis represents a scientific guess that is stated in research. It is a speculative statement concerning the relationship between two or more variables in research.

Therefore, a good hypothesis is a prediction that is testable, specific, and explores what a researcher expects to find in the study.

Formulating a Hypothesis

The creation of a hypothesis represents a critical part of the scientific method. Formulating a hypothesis is important, especially when testing a theory. Most scientific research involves testing theories. Theories, in this case, refer to ideas about the way things relate to one another. For one to formulate a hypothesis to be used in research, they have to be to predict the outcome of the research.

If one cannot predict the outcome, then the research does not need the formulating of a hypothesis because it is either exploratory or descriptive. These forms of research cannot have a hypothesis, and the reason is that there is a limited base of knowledge concerning the subject matter for the prediction of the outcome to be possible.

A good Hypothesis

A good hypothesis has to have two or more variables. These variables have to be measurable or have the potential to be measured. The hypothesis also has to specify how the variables are related to one another.

Where to Find the Hypothesis in a Research Article

The scientific method is characterized by several steps. They include:

  1. Coming up with a question or the problem that needs to be solved.
  2. Conducting background research on the problem
  3. Formulating a hypothesis
  4. Establishing how the research will be conducted using a research design
  5. Collecting data
  6. Analyzing the data and coming up with results
  7. Provide conclusions
  8. Presenting the information through a research article.

Based on the above structure, it is evident that the hypothesis is located in the introduction section of a research article. One should look out for “if-then” statements. However, for such statements to be hypotheses, they need to:

  1. Demonstrates the relationship between variables,
  2. The relationship needs to be testable and
  3. The prediction needs to be measurable

A hypothesis is not always clearly labeled. This means that the statement can appear in different forms apart from when formulated using the “if-then” statements. One should, therefore, look out for a statement that offers a prediction of what readers need to expect from the research.

The ability to identify where to find a hypothesis is located in a research article is very important in several ways:

  1. One can quickly know what the researcher wants to prove using the research.
  2. It makes individuals effective in reading research articles.
  3. It enhances an individual’s ability to formulate their own hypothesis when conducting research

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